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My Organization and Team Management

Organizations in Appcircle are separate units with separate "workspaces" that allow collaboration on the same apps with a team.

Each user is the owner of their individual organization by default. You can create additional organizations as needed or join an existing one.

All apps (build profiles, distribution profiles, etc.) created under an organization is accessible by all the members of that organization.

Billing management is also per-organization basis so that you can work with different plans with a single account. (e.g. You can be a member of two different organizations at the same time: an individual organization for personal projects under the free plan and another organization for your company under the enterprise plan.)


Team management with fine-grained roles and integration with enterprise identity systems are available in the enterprise plan. Please contact us for more information.

Accessing the My Organization Screen

The "My Organization" screen is accessible from the button with the organization name initials at the bottom left and it contains all operations to manage an organization.

Organization Name and ID Management

When you create an account, an individual organization for you is created by default with your email address.

In the left column under the organization management screen, you can change your organization name, which is a descriptive name, and you can change your unique organization ID, which is used for identification purposes for that specific organization.

To update these details, simply enter the new values and press Update.

Working with Multiple Organizations

Adding an Organization

To add a new organization, press the "Create New Organization" button on the top-right (denoted by a plus sign) and type in the Organization Name. The organization will be created with the specified name and your role will be set as the owner.


If you are on the Starter Plan, you cannot add a new organization. To create more organizations, you need to upgrade to a higher plan.

Adding a Sub Organization

Appcircle's Sub Organization feature allows you to create multiple sub organizations from your organization, providing a way to manage different teams and projects separately. With this feature, each sub organization is linked to the organization.

It's worth noting that sub organizations are very similar to the organization. When you are inside a sub organization, you will have access to all the features and functionality that are available in your organization. Any licenses associated with the organization will also be applicable to the sub organization.


To use this feature, an enterprise license is required.

If you have an enterprise license, you can create sub organizations from the organization by navigating to the "My Organization" page, clicking on the "Create Sub Organization" button, and entering the necessary details for the sub organization.

Multiple sub organizations can be created from an organization as required. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with multiple teams working on different projects, providing a way to manage each team's access to Appcircle separately. With the Sub Organization feature, businesses can create and manage multiple sub organizations linked to the organization, giving different teams access to the tools they need to work on their specific projects.

Switching Organizations

Once you create an organization or accept an organization invite, you will be switched to that organization automatically. To switch between organizations, press the quick team switching button on the bottom-left on status bar and select an organization from the menu. The currently selected one is indicated with a check mark.

Each organization is isolated from each other, and switching means that you will switch to the "workspace" of that organization.


Once you select your organization, you will only see the profiles, artifacts, and reports belonging to that organization in all modules.

You can switch between organizations at any time without any data loss.

Leaving or Deleting an Organization

To leave or delete an organization, press the organization operations button on the top-right (three-dots menu) and select the related operation.

You will be prompted before the leave/delete operation.


Both leaving and deleting are irreversible operations and it is advised to use them with caution:

  • If you leave an organization, only an Owner can add you back, even if you were an Owner.
  • If you delete an organization, you will lose ALL platform data including apps, profiles, and artifacts.

Managing the Team Under an Organization

Team Ownership

The creator of a team starts with the Owner role. The Owner role has full administrative privileges for the team and organization management such as adding/removing members or editing the organization details, while any new members can be assigned specific module-based read/write roles.


Each organization must have at least one Owner and each user must be an Owner of at least one organization.

Managing Team Members

As an Owner, you can invite new members simply by entering their email address under the related field in Team Management and pressing the Add button.

The user will be then shown in a "Pending" state until the invitation is accepted. You can also revoke a pending invite by pressing the delete button at the end of the row.

Once a user accepts an invite, it will be added to the team as a Member with read only access. You can change the role of any user, including yourself, with the "Manage Roles" button next to the user ID. You can also delete a user by pressing the delete button.

Advanced Role Management

Once you click the "Manage Roles" button, you will be presented with a detailed selection of roles for each module. Here, you can assign the Owner role to a user for full access or you can select specific read or write roles for use cases like developers or testers or billing administrators.

You can see the full list of the available roles below:

General Permissions

Full access allows users to view and manage the contents of the modules. This permission allows users to create, delete, and modify the contents of the module.

Read only access only allows users to see the content or list of the modules. The modification doesn't allow any modification.

If the access is set as None, users can't access that module.

Special Permissions

Some modules have different permissions besides general permissions. You can customize the permissions for team members specifically.


Permissions can be customized for build profiles.

Full AccessThe user can change configuration, workflows, and triggers and start building.
Read OnlyThe user can only start the build, view logs, and download logs.
NoneThe user cannot reach any details about build profiles.


Permissions can be customized for environment variable.

Full AccessThe user can see variable groups, add new variables, and delete existing variable groups or variables.
Read OnlyThe user can only see variable groups and their details.
NoneThe user cannot reach any details about environment variables.


Permissions can be customized for signing identity management.

Full AccessThe user can see, delete, and add new certificates, provisionings, and keys.
Read OnlyThe user can only see certificates, provisioning, and keys.
NoneThe user cannot reach any details about signing identity.


Permissions can be customized for distribution profiles.

Full AccessThe user can see, create, and delete new distribution profiles and customize their settings.
Read OnlyThe user can only view distribution profiles.
NoneThe user cannot reach any details about distribution profiles.


Permissions can be customized for testing groups.

Full AccessThe user can see, create, and delete testing groups and add new test users to groups.
Read OnlyThe user can only view testing groups and test users.
NoneThe user cannot reach any details about the testing group.


Upload apps to Google Play, Huawei, and App Store.

Upload apps to Google Play Console & Huawei AppGallery Console.The user can upload apps to Google Play and Huawei AppGallery.
Upload apps to the App Store ConsoleThe user can upload apps only to the App Store.
Read-Only AccessThe user can only view applications belonging to their own organization.

Google Play and Huawei AppGallery permissions are managed through a single rule. When this rule is used, it will apply to both platforms.


Manage and Upload Apps to Enterprise Store.

Manage Enterprise Settings & AppsThe user can modify both Enterprise Store settings and the uploaded apps.
Upload apps to the Enterprise StoreThe user can only use apps.
Read-Only AccessThe user can only view the profiles.


The user can create organization or sub organization within license limits, add and remove members, and manage their permissions.


Manage the subscription, payment details, and invoices.


Connect to or disconnect from third-party service providers such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Play Developer API Keys, App Store Connect API Keys, Huawei AppGallery Developer API Keys etc.