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Using Fastlane in the Workflows

Appcircle supports fastlane for build automation as a supplementary feature to Appcircle's own build automation.

With Appcircle, you can automate your build and signing processes with the flexible workflow structure and you can also use fastlane as a workflow step within the build workflows.

To use fastlane, Appcircle expects the presence of a fastfile in your repository.

Adding fastlane to the Appcircle Build Workflow as a Step

  1. To utilize fastlane in your builds, open the workflow editor and add the “fastlane” step after the "Git Clone" step. If you want to run a specific fastlane command, you can add a "Custom Script" step anywhere after the fastlane step.
  2. Once added, click on the fastlane step to configure it. Fastlane is easy to use with Appcircle just with two options.
  3. The "Fastlane Directory" option is used to specify the fastfile path . If you keep your fastfile in its default location, it is automatically used without the need to change this field.
  4. With the "Fastlane Lane" option, you can specify which lane to use.
  5. Once everything is set up, press Save to save your step configuration. Then you can configure and run your build just like any other app.

Appcircle also supports building and signing the app independently with the "Build" and "Sign" steps in the workflow. These steps can be used in parallel with fastlane.

Running the Build Workflow

To run the build workflow that includes the fastlane step, you can start a manual build or trigger an automatic build just like a standard build.

The full output of the fastlane execution can be viewed in the build log in real-time or after the build.

Deploying the Build Output

You can use fastlane to deploy the built apps to the supported third-party services supported or you can use the Appcircle Distribute module to share the app with the testers or send it to the public app stores.