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Publishing Release Notes

You can use Release Notes Component to create release notes during your workflow. You can enrich the contents of your release notes with environment variables or with Ruby snippets. If you want to add your own release notes as a file, you can also give the path to the file. This component creates release-notes.txt with given options and copies to $AC_OUTPUT_DIR path. This release notes will be used for the following places:

  • Distribution Portal
  • Enterprise Store
  • Google Play

Appcircle currently doesn't publish release notes to TestFlight. Since TestFlight doesn't allow uploding change log with the binary. You can only upload what to test part AFTER the binary is processed which may take hours.

Release Notes component should be in your workflow to create rich release notes. It is suggested that it should be just before the Export Build Artifacts step so that you can have access to the all build artifacts such as git commit message, test results or build logs.

Example Release Notes

Release notes component allows putting Environment Variables or Ruby snippets inside your release notes. Release notes template is written in ERB. Please check Ruby documentation for the usage of ERB. We will list couple of templates to get you started.

Default template

Commit Hash: <%= ENV['AC_GIT_COMMIT'][0..6] %>
Commit Message: $AC_COMMIT_MESSAGE

Above template will print something like below

Branch: main
Commit Hash: 1234567
Commit Message: My commit messsage

Adding git log of last 5 commits

Commit Hash: <%= ENV['AC_GIT_COMMIT'][0..6] %>
Commit Message: $AC_COMMIT_MESSAGE
Git Log:
<%= `git --git-dir=$AC_REPOSITORY_DIR/.git log -n 5 --pretty=format:'- %an: %s'` %>

Above template will print something like below

Branch: main
Commit Hash: 1234567
Commit Message: My commit messsage
Git Log:
- John: Enable code coverage
- Jane: Add Info.plist file
- Tom: Add certificates
- John: Removed launch tests
- Jane: Initial commit

Please check Release Notes Component documentation for more information.