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4. Sign in AWS Turn key console

  1. After running the Sws console Docker file, please connect to the console using the following link. (If you are unsure about how to execute it, refer to the Getting Started document for instructions.)
File Iconhttp://localhost:7777
  1. Enter your registered email and password on the official SWS website, then click the Sign In button. (If you haven't signed up yet, go to the SWS official website Sign up page.)
  1. Click the AWS Turn key console button
  1. Enter the IAM User's access key into the Access Key ID field, and input the IAM User's secret access key into the Secret Access Key field. Choose the desired Region, and then click the Sign In to AWS Management Console button to access the console.

When Sign in with the accessToken, it is stored only within the Docker local runtime, within the Docker image, ensuring that it is not separately stored in the service database.

  1. Upon initial entry into the console, a warning prompt appears instructing you to create an SWS project. Click OK to proceed.
  1. Enter the Project Name and click the Create Project button. (The project creation process may take around 10 minutes, so be sure not to close the website during this time.)