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As in cloud, we're releasing regular updates for self-hosted Appcircle server. You should keep your instance up-to-date in order to get latest features, bug fixes and improvements.

When a new version of self-hosted Appcircle is released, you can update with below steps.


Prerequisites and dependencies are all same as installation steps. So we will keep it short in this page, try to document only update related details, and give references to installation when required.

When you're in trouble with update, it will be useful to review details and warnings written in installation docs.


Below steps does not affect or destroy your data. Update process keeps your data and schema compatible with latest self-hosted Appcircle server by using incremental migrations all handled automatically.


To determine the current version of either a project or the script itself, use the version command provided with the script. This will display the script version and any docker image hashes associated with the project. If no docker images are found, the command will output script version only.

Note that a project name is required to execute the version command.

For example, to find the version for a project named "spacetech", run the following command:

./ -n "spacetech" version

1. Download Latest

Download the latest self-hosted Appcircle package.

curl -O -L

Extract self-hosted Appcircle package into folder.

unzip -o -u -d appcircle-server

Change directory into extracted appcircle-server folder for following steps.

cd appcircle-server

For other details and troubleshooting, you can refer to download section in installation docs.


After version 3.7.1, the container image versions, pulled from the Appcircle artifact registry, will be the same version of the Appcircle zip package you downloaded.

In this case, if you download an older version of the Appcircle zip package, the container images will also be older versions.

So as a result, you will downgrade the Appcircle server if you download an older version zip package.

2. Update Packages

Although it's rare, update may have new packages or package updates. Those are the tools that self-hosted Appcircle depends on. So they should be kept up-to-date same as Appcircle server.


You need to have root access on your system for this step. Being able to run sudo is sufficient for the following step. (sudoer)

In order to update packages, execute the script using the -i argument as shown below.

sudo ./ -i

You can also use the long option --install-package for the same purpose.

For other details and troubleshooting, you can refer to packages section in installation docs.

3. Update Server


We're going on with the same sample scenario as in installation steps.

Let's assume we have company named as Space Tech and our project name is "spacetech". For the following steps, we will give examples based on this fictive company for better understanding.

If update has new features with their configuration options or you want to make some minor changes in your configuration, first edit your global.yaml file.

└── spacetech
├── export
├── generated-secret.yaml
├── global.yaml
└── user-secret

In most cases, you don't need to change anything in your configuration. So, above step is optional.

Then execute below command to update server.

./ -n "spacetech" export

For other details and troubleshooting, you can refer to configuration section in installation docs.


Although it's rare, self-hosted Appcircle may have a new service with its dedicated subdomain.

If it was announced in release notes, you need to add new subdomain to your DNS server.

All process is same as in installation, so refer to DNS settings section in installation docs for details.

4. Update Images

In order to get docker image updates for Appcircle server services, we need to pull them from remote artifact repository.

To activate image updates, first stop all running docker containers.

./ -n "spacetech" down

Upgrade images.

./ -n "spacetech" upgrade

Then start with below command.

./ -n "spacetech" up

When complete, check service statuses.

./ -n "spacetech" check

You may also print the image hashes and script's version by using the below command.

./ -n "spacetech" version

Please keep in mind that, restarting docker containers will stop all services until all started again. So, it will take some time and during that duration self-hosted Appcircle server will be unreachable.

For this reason, you may prefer to execute this step on an idle time in order to minimize its negative effects on your users.

For other details and troubleshooting, you can refer to run server section in installation docs.



Above explained update steps keep all your data consistent and compatible. On most cases, data loss is an undesired case for an update scenario.

But if you want or need to reset your data for some reason, you can follow reset configuration steps in installation docs.


Although it's rare, self-hosted Appcircle may require also self-hosted runner update. Because on some cases, it may bring some breaking changes for older runners.

If it's required, it will be announced in self-hosted Appcircle release notes with minimum supported runner version.

In order to update your self-hosted runners, refer to update self-hosted runner section in docs.

For other details and troubleshooting, you can refer to connecting runners section in installation docs.